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Writing a blog when you are low is the worst thing to do! The thoughts doesnt stop and the Blog might appear Tedious! Nevertheless I want to let my floating thoughts out.

Life has different meaning by everyone, I only called it Friendship. Whenever I came across people who said Blood is thicker than water or Love is the best thing that can happen to the Mankind, I always wondered if they have ever experienced a relationship worth life time which does not fall into these 2 Categories. I did!

I will definitely not vent out on how things change, but I still persists Friends are for life. People being philosophical, quotes on life all the time, if the same is said by a friend over a cup of coffee, you ponder your thoughts on it through out the night. Friends are influential to an extent that you will start beliveing world not being round.

If age had to decide the maturity of people, I think I am living in a different planet. Maturity is not ignoring the people you grow up with, Maturity is not assuming that Kissing leads to pregnancy. Why complicate words? Its common sense and people have to just use superfluous words to show they have matured?

Irrespective of my age, even when I am 80 I will still tell stories to my grand children on how beautiful life can be when you have friends. There is nothing called Right & Wrong people, its only the perspective that changes. I have never claimed to have made "Wrong Friends", the concept doesnt exist. You give your best to a relationship, why expect?

There are the best times of my Life spent in cherishing the people I have come across, My 3 am friend, My listener friend, My Booze friend, My cribbing friend, My jealous Friend, My confession friend and so on! I categorize every person who is a part of my life.

Being Human, the emotional attachment is obvious, but I am sure down the lane, I will still smile on these memories and read this post to cherish People in my life.

Until next time..Keep believing "Friendship is the sweetest joy of life" & "Har ek friend zaroori hota hai"


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